Recipe | Da Mario Tiramisu
Perfect Fors

Recipe | Tiramisu

Longing to try the famous Da Mario tiramisu but can't afford the flight to Sydney?

Fear not coffee fiends, now you can make it yourself at home.


Savoiardi biscuits

500g Mascarpone

100g Egg yolks

200g Sugar

40g Marsala

500mL cream

500mL Coffee


Whisk sugar with egg yolks.

Once white, add marsala and continue to mix.

Add mascarpone and mix through.

Then add 500g of cream (half whipped separately) and slowly work into the previous mix.

Soak savoiardi biscuits inside coffee.

Begin to layer cream in bottom of tray, followed by a layer of soaked buiscuits. Repeat this layer again until you have a total of 3 cream layers and 2 of soaked buiscuits.

Cover and allow to set in fridge overnight.

Serve a slice to plate and sprinkle with chocolate cocao powder to garnish.

Makes 12 portions


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